
Broken Flesh

It was the dead of night as storms battered the port of Grimsby. They named the tiny baby Jimmy. He broke away from his mother with just a whimper, his flesh clear like parchment, without a single blemish. His mother held him to her breast, wondering how this wee soul would survive in a harsh… Continue reading

Beautiful Lies

Dark clouds gathered over our little town the day I made a spectacle of myself in church. Perhaps a reflection of how I felt, annoyed at having to go in the first place. My father and sister went to Christchurch, while I accompanied my mother to the Methodist Chapel, where she played the organ. My… Continue reading

A Perfect Day

It was a perfect summer’s day in Chicago; sheets of yellow light bathed the city. The sun may have been busy but I wasn’t, down to my last twenty dollars, I was desperate to find a job. Scanning the part time ads, my friend Sam wandered in, brandishing a ‘Boston Cooler,’ ice cream and root… Continue reading