
Who Goes First

I wonder just who it will be whether it be you or whether it be me At least if it be me I won’t incur the loss of loosing a best friend Of waiting for an answer that never ever came Yet I’m not ready to go just yet Still rolling the dice still placing… Continue reading

Twenty Years

You say it’s 20 years I ask how can that be? Surely t’was just the other day We wandered wild and free In the caldron of our waking dreams We held the iron hand In search of inspiration In search of all mankind It’s been such an honour To know you my old friend To… Continue reading

Not Yet Dead

I’m not yet dead but getting there, it’s said With a heart thats holed and hollowed out By lack of care and years of drought I’m not dead yet but it’s a fair bet I’m that way heading, bones and sinews set Not dead like my old man Don’t sleep in a dead man’s bed… Continue reading

Message From The Grave

I’ve walked this earth for seventy years Died a hundred times Now I lie in the cold dark soil Boxed and horizontally inclined No bearded man at the pearly gates To ask me what I’ve done No eternal flame to roast me With all my atheist chums It’s really not so bad down here No… Continue reading

In Wales

In wales we down Butty Bach beer Best ale in the land In Wales we feast on Bara Brith Always in demand Travelling through old haunts again Remember those now passed Walk among these hills of home Home again at last In Wales the grass seems greener Rivers twist and turn Mountains rise to impossible… Continue reading

Hidden Mothers

She may be long gone but I see her face at every turn On winding roads, leading who knows where She’s there, sharing moments Beneath the diamond sky, along the broken trail Through wind and hail On sleepless nights, in dreamlands, she stands Watching over, she knows my pain In the curtaining rain, spreading those… Continue reading

Gone Shoppin

Gone shoppin, they say it’s unwise But those cinimon pies, got my hungry eyes a poppin Gone shoppin, I stack up the trolly With my old wife Dolly, and there’s just no stopping We shop till we drop Then we flop on the back step Spending our way to an early grave Costing a packet,… Continue reading

Benevolent Star

Emerging day vibrates under sapphire skies As the bold sun delivers bright curtains of light An eight minute journey from its burning surface The golden rays reach out Rushing through cold corridors of space Bringing warmth to a thankful earth Heat spreads out across fields Across oceans and sandy beaches Filling valleys, filling hearts Raising… Continue reading